Our DDoS-For-Hire service can take down most of protected websites. We use the latest technology to make sure our attacks are powerful. With our service you can not cate about firewall.
Yes, we not saving unqiue logs, in all
logs that we have we replacing unique
values to NULL to save your secure.
Also, we taking crypto only.
Yes, we granted access to HTTP-FREE
method to everyone. You can test
our service before buying, if its not
work, might be you need paid plan
1 Concurrents attack
600s Attack duration
Layer7 Access included
Layer4 Hub excluded
API Access excluded
Unlimited daily attacks
9 Concurrents attack
4800s Attack duration
Layer7 Access included
Layer4 Hub included
API Access included
Unlimited daily attacks
30 Concurrents attack
8640s Attack duration
Layer7 Access included
Layer4 Hubincluded
API Accessincluded
Unlimited daily attacks
Our №1 method with chromium browser emulation that
simulating a real humans traffic for bypassing high protected targets.
Developer for really hard targets.